Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve

The Alfa Laval Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve is a pneumatic check valve that prevents vacuum conditions in high-temperature, short-time (HTST) pasteurization systems. Easily configured to fit virtually any requirement, this robust easy-to-clean-in-place valve is a cost-effective way to meet high standards of hygiene and aseptic compatibility across the dairy, food and beverage industries.

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Protect pasteurization piping and systems from vacuum conditions with Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve

  • Designed for convenient and effective CIP
  • Compact, fast-acting and fully automated valve
  • Exceptional valve hygiene and cleanability
  • Authorized to carry the 3-A symbol

The Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve ensures safe, efficient and cost-effective operation of HTST pasteurization piping and systems by preventing vacuum during all phases of production.

Built on a proven modular platform of the Unique SSSV small single seat valve, it is easy to select, easy to operate and easy to clean, requiring only a single air connection for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) capabilities.

It can also be fitted with the Alfa Laval ThinkTop® V50 for sensing and control of the valve.

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Exceptional valve hygiene

The Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve is engineered to provide excellent hygiene and cleanability. The design of the plug supports enhanced cleaning-in-place (CIP) capabilities, and a double-acting lip seal that minimizes any risk of cross-contamination. It is authorized to carry the 3-A symbol.


Extend valve service life

Get more uptime due to the unique seat design of the Alfa Laval Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve.


Low total cost of ownership

Thanks to its straightforward, reliable design, the Unique range provides long service life, reduced product loss, greater product safety and more processing uptime. Few moving parts reduce service requirements and inventory costs.


Valve control

The Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve can be fitted with the Alfa Laval ThinkTop V50 for sensing and control of the valve.to verify proper valve function during CIP operations.

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Come funziona:


The Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve consists of stainless steel valve body, seals, actuator, an internal ball that moves up and down inside the valve chamber, and clamp rings.

Operating principle

The Alfa Laval Unique Vacuum Breaker Valve is operated in a manner similar to that of a ball check valve. When pipelines are pressurized during a process or CIP, the internal ball is forced upward against its seat and closes the vent port.

When pipeline pressure drops, the ball is drawn downward, allowing air to enter the vent, thereby preventing vacuum in the system.

During CIP, a pneumatic actuator is used (pulsed) to force the ball off the upper seat, enabling the seat and the interior of the vacuum breaker valve to be cleaned. CIP fluid is discharged during the actuator pulse and is drained through the vent port.


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Logica alimentare

I dispositivi igienici di Alfa Laval abbinano elevate prestazioni con una delicata manipolazione per non deteriorare gli ingredienti sensibili e restare al passo con le tendenze del settore alimentare. Affrontano quattro sfide chiave; fornitura di prodotti alimentari ai consumatori ad un prezzo competitivo, ottenendo il massimo dalle materie prime, riducendo gli sprechi e le emissioni e offrendo prodotti alimentari sicuri e igienici.

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