Moduli di trattamento del combustibile (FCM)
The Alfa Laval FCM Methanol is a low-flashpoint fuel supply system (LFSS) capable of supplying methanol within the flow rate, pressure, temperature, and filtration parameters specified by the engine maker. The technology can be adapted to any engine and vessel designs.
Low-flashpoint fuel supply system (LFSS) for methanol-fuelled engines and boilers
- Proven technology in use on methanol carriers since 2015, over 150 000 hours of operations
- Flexible design adaptable to any engine or vessel
- Simplifies safety routines and security by automating control of the fuel supply system
- Designed to maximize uptime and energy efficiency, while minimizing maintenance costs
- Supported by the Alfa Laval service network and spare parts readily available from distribution centers
Proven technology sailing since 2015, the FCM Methanol can supply methanol to dual-fuel marine engines (both main and auxiliary), as well as boilers. A single, automated FCM Methanol system can be engineered to meet the process requirements of multiple methanol consumers.
The FCM Methanol’s automation handles all daily routines and safety functions, including leak test and purging
The FCM Methanol is controlled through the control panel installed in safe area and by the inputs from the served engines thus minimizing the need to access the hazardous area. The fine filter with double block & bleed arrangement allows the cleaning of the clogged section without purging the entire module. This minimizes the system downtime and keeps the crews safe, even when performing maintenance.
How it works
The FCM Methanol is a dual-stage, pressurized system that supplies methanol safely and automatically. It can be arranged to simultaneously feed multiple fuel lines with different process parameters, thereby meeting the needs of multiple engines and boilers.
Each stage is protected by a pressure relief valve and is equipped with transmitters and indicators for pressure and temperature. The low-pressure stage prevents the cavitation of the high-pressure pump. The high-pressure stage maintains the specified fuel parameters.
The system’s automation handles all necessary fuel routines, ensuring that the methanol is conditioned and ready for a start signal from the engine control system (EGC). Upon a stop signal from the EGC, the system safely returns to standby.
Control and monitoring are handled from a control cabinet located within a safe zone, or from the vessel’s automation system via Modbus serial link. Advanced troubleshooting can be performed from any control point, without entering the hazardous zone.
The FCM Methanol is ATEX-certified and complies with IGC Code, IGF Code and DNV Pt.6, Ch.2, Sec.6.
Enabling the move to methanol as fuel
Find out why the Alfa Laval FCM Methanol is the leading choice of low-flashpoint fuel supply system (LFSS) in today’s methanol projects. This short video explains why more than a pump is needed, and it shows how the FCM Methanol lives up to the challenge – from flexible installation to peace of mind in operation.
Marine equipment and solutions for methanol as fuel
Methanol is the next likely step on the marine industry’s journey to a zero-carbon future. However, it will demand new technologies and a different way of looking at the energy balance on board. Alfa Laval is at the cutting edge of methanol solutions – and is ready to partner with you in making the transition.